
ABS: Anti-Lock Brake System

2022-10-31T15:28:37+00:00December 28th, 2020|Brakes, Tires, Vehicle Maintenance|

ABS: Anti-Lock Brake System - If you've got a vehicle that's more recent than the late 90's, chances are it's got antilock brakes and traction control.  These are great features that went from being an optional feature to being standard equipment on most vehicles. ABS Brakes have actually been around since the late 70's; it's

Struts and Shocks: When and Why They Need Maintenance

2022-10-31T17:59:53+00:00June 29th, 2020|Auto Repair, Struts & Shocks, Tires|

by Josh Sadlier You may be surprised – shocked even – to learn just how important automotive shocks and struts really are. If you need new shocks or struts, don't delay, because these are crucial safety items that help you maintain control behind the wheel. But wait a minute. How do you know whether or

Take Better Care of Your Tires

2022-10-31T18:00:49+00:00June 10th, 2020|Auto Repair, Tires|

They’ll Last Longer, and Help Improve Vehicle Ride, Handling and Fuel Mileage. by Rich Ellis   Modern tires are highly engineered, vehicle specific, and composed of high-tech polymers, chemicals, metals and blended rubbers. They’re also a significant investment, affect vehicle performance, and influenced by a number of factors. Start giving your tires the attention they


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